Wednesday, January 4, 2012

holy fertility meds batman!!

i usually don't post pictures of meds..... but wow!!!! this is a lot of meds.

it came in 3 boxes. when i checked the tracking info it said 3 boxes and 16 pounds. ok.......

and then i opened the boxes..... ummmmm that's a lot of shit.
we are going to make some babies with these babies......


  1. Wow! I can't wait to get all my boxes in!

  2. Are you doing the luteal lurpon protocol?

    I didn't put my bravelle in the fridge, are you going to?

  3. Wow that is alot! Best of luck this cycle Jes!

  4. Sweet mercy! I remember that! Wishing you the best of luck!!!

  5. Wowzers!!! Exciting though as it's baby-makin-goods!!! :)

  6. kayla- no i respond well to antagonist.... which is good for me. usually only 8 or 9 days of meds..... and lupron is evil- hotflashes.... moodswings... no thanks!
    as for meds in the fridge.... i don't do it. my ivf nurse says its not neccesary.

    sometimes- stim start is next friday, the 13th

  7. Daunting isn't it? I have the cold stuff in the fridge and it takes up the two veggie bins. The rest of my stash is taking up the top shelf in book case I keep in the dining room that usually holds my cookbooks.

  8. Damn, that is a lot of meds! And yes, those babies ARE going to assist you in making babies!

  9. Hot damn, that is a lot of drugs. You could open up your own pharmacy! :D
