Sunday, January 15, 2012

day 3 of stims

tomorrow we have our first ultrasound.... this first scan is always the scariest. i am praying for a good number of follies.... and a little nervous about my lining because, well, i am still bleeding. its just a little but... i need that lining!!!

please follies just grow.... a lot.

also, i have been listening to my circle + bloom.. i like it a lot. reminds me of the hypnosis i used to do what feels like a lifetime ago.


  1. Hoping you see a lot of follie action tomorrow :) Good luck!

  2. I've been reading every post and keeping my fingers crossed for you... THIS IS YOUR TIME!! You are a trooper. Best wishes tomorrow (today?) - can't wait to hear how it goes! Come on follies, do your work!

  3. Wishing you good luck today for you u/s! Hope you have lots of follies.

  4. Love the Circle + Bloom. I've been listening to it every night too. I hope you have plenty of follicles and that your lining is getting thicker. Bit of a worry for me this time around too is the uterine lining.

  5. I liked Circle + Bloom, too. Good luck with your appointment.

  6. I've been wondering what your thoughts on Circle + Bloom were. Thinking of it for myself, just not sure. Thinking about you today though, tonsoffollies-tonsoffollies-tonsoffollies!
