Monday, September 26, 2011

truth be told

well a couple truths

1. i suck at iclw this month....and i am totally sorry. i just don't have it in me. i even have new followers and i am greatful you are all here and have chosen to follow me on this crazy fucked up journey.... but i just can't do it.

2. the real truth....blogging has gotten really hard for me in the last couple months. around the time i got preggo, many of my fellow bloggers had gotten preggo as well..... i feel like i am the only one who suffered a loss. and then, since my loss..... i think that just about every other blog i read has turned into a pregnancy blog. almost all of you are going to get your miracle soon!!!

ladies, i am so very happy for each and every one of you. i have been reading your stories.... i am following along. i am praying at every step....every beta, every ultrasound. i am happy for you as you graduate to an OB... as you find out the gender... i am rejoicing for you all. and i wish each and everyone of you a take home baby...or 2 :-)

i don't have comments and i don't really have any posts other than updates....this is as much a record for me as it is to connect with others.

i just don't have much to say.... .

and i feel bad about it. i'm sorry


  1. it's okay honey - don't be sorry. we love you! i definitely feel as though i connect with you and understand what you're feeling. thinking of you!!!!

  2. Over the years I've been blogging, I've definitely gone through periods like what you describe. Sending positive thoughts your way whether you post or not.

  3. Same thing happened to me. After a year of infertility I got pregnant, had a bunch of fellow pregnant bloggers, sought out even more, then a miscarriage...and it was just me, everyone else is still pregnant. You're a better person than I if you kept following the preggos...I stopped following them all, felt terrible about it, but stopped following none the less. I'm back to following the infertiles, which is how I found your blog. Best of luck in the next step of your journey, and know you're not alone!

  4. Wishing you some luck and sending some thoughts your way. It makes perfect sense for you to feel the way you do. You'll get your groove back.

  5. Don't feel bad! I have those days too. Just no drive or energy to post anything real. Did I miss anything? When is your beta? Thinking of you :)

  6. I lost a pregnancy around the same time as you did. There is nothing I can say except that you are not as alone as you feel. We will all get through this bullshit IF journey. And blogging should never cause you stress. Do it if you need and want, and not otherwise. xoxoxoxo

  7. You know I have been there, it is an awful place to be and I pray your time is fleeting. No need to apologize, take care of yourself. But please know that I am here for you every step of the way.

  8. Don't you worry. We're all here. For the up and the downs. Just take care of yourself. Soon you'll find yourself somewhere else in this journey helping someone who is where you are.

    We'll hold on to the hope for you. Just keep breathing through the pain.

  9. Do not worry, my dear blog friend... we're all here for each other in one way or another. Pregnancy, miscarriages, fertility treatments, betas... doesn't matter. We all know all of the feelings. Comments or no comments on people's blogs... it doesn't matter. As long as everyone is along for the ride.

    Everyone's journey has ups and downs, and we've all been in the peaks and valleys at some point. I truly pray for you all the time, even though we've never met. Never has someone who I don't know in real life deserve something as much as you deserve a child. Keep hanging in there, girl - God is watching you and waiting for the perfect time to give you a miracle.


  10. *hugs* from ICLWland. We all know how you feel, and don't blame you one bit!

  11. Don't feel bad at all! Times get really tough in our lives and we are all here for you regardless! Thinking of you!

  12. Please don't feel bad! Do what you feel you need to do. We are all here to support you. I understand you feel alone, but we are here sending virtual hugs. Take your time to grieve.

  13. *hugs* I know some months (days) are harder to pick ourselves up and get going. Take it easy and take care of yourself!

  14. Don't feel bad. I've lost alot of my commentors because alot of them are now pregnant. In fact my husband's 21yr old cousin called yesterday to say he got his gf pregnant and I just about blew a gasket. In fact tomorrow's post is about me making light of just the fact that everyone around has been or is pregnant. Don't feel bad...there are those of us in the same boat as baby...still waiting and have suffered the loss. Keeping you in my thoughts.
