Tuesday, January 11, 2011

a healthier me

its time.

i gained 20 pounds in 2010. i also gained 20 pounds in 2009. i let those 20 pounds go because i also quit smoking in 2009..... i figured an extra 20 pounds was worth the not smoking.

but really, the extra 20 pounds plus another extra 20 pounds is 40 pounds of extra fatness... not good.

so i joined weight watchers again. i have done it before, and i know the deal. it's easy. and i like food way too much to not eat whatever i feel like eating. weight watchers gives you that freedom.

week one started on january 3rd. i weighed myself on sunday night, the 2nd. i weighed myself after eating a delicious prime rib dinner. (i know i should have weighed myself monday morning, but it's kind of like tricking myself into thinking i lost a little extra) :D
when i weighed myself yesterday morning i had lost 5.6 pounds!!! YAY!!! HOORAY FOR ME!!!

i have several goals on this weight loss journey...but, right now i am working towards april. april 1st is the day that i am again eligible for health insurance. april 1st is the day that i will call dr. d and tell him we are ready to unfreeze those beautiful little embabies and do the transfer!! so the goal for april 1st is 30 pounds.

i will do it..... i am ready.... i am creating a healthy place for our embabies.


  1. I did the same thing when I quit smoking. Congrats on the weight loss!! Keep up the good work!

  2. Wow - congrats! That's great news on your quick, healthy weight loss!! I can't wait to hear about your upcoming steps in April... I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

  3. Nice work! Good luck on reaching both of your goals :)

  4. Good work girl!! I signed up for weight watchers again too. I am doing it online though which I've never done so we'll see how this goes! Perhaps we can provide a little support to each other along the way!
