Monday, May 16, 2011


they said that my little embabies are perfect.... everyone was gushing. the embryologist was so excited!

dr. d was so happy and said that our chances were "really good"

acupuncture was beautiful this morning, it did it's job. i was happy, calm and ready.

transfer was easy, peaceful and beautiful.


  1. They are home! Congratulations! They are beautiful and yes, absolutely perfect!!! Hoping and praying that they stay with you and are soon in your arms!!!

  2. OMG - I am SO HAPPY for you! I've been catching up and needed to read back about 4 posts to get the full story. I am now crying at my computer :) I am so incredibly hopeful for you - these babies will stick! They are beautiful little miracles and I am SO EXCITED FOR YOU!! XOXOXOXOXO

  3. AHHHH! Is it weird I was tearing up a lil reading this? :) Get some rest and good luck!

  4. Perfect little embies, how awesome!! Rest up, I am so hopeful for your long awaited bfp!!

  5. They are gorgeous! I think they are both wanting to implant. Watch out! You might be joining the twin momma team!!

  6. Great news... they look adorable :)) Great to be sharing this 2WW with you... love to you and your bubs xoxo

  7. Oh I am so hoping that these stick for you two. It is so encouraging to hear that they are such great quality.

  8. Here's hoping for a BFP. Can't wait to hear your good news.

  9. How awesome! I can't wait to hear how everything goes!

  10. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and YEAH!!!!!! Looking good lovely lady, this is sooo exciting!!
